Giving Yourself Advice

Muvaki Nhlema
2 min readSep 5, 2020

Picture this scenario, your best friend’s going through something and it’s something big. They’re uncertain about what ever their next step should be and they decide to come to you for help. You weigh everything equally, you think analytically and think up the most useful advice you can come up with.

You’re ready to share it. You’re ready to give the catch-all piece of wisdom that will completely shift this person’s perspective and change their entire situation.

…but then all of a sudden you stop yourself. Something about whatever you’re about to say hits too close to home. You feel hypocritical giving this advice because you’re fully aware it’s advice you could use yourself but wouldn’t or at least haven’t taken yet.

Yeah, you just spoke to yourself huh? It happens. It’s that moment that happens every now and then where you realise that the splinter you’re trying to pull from someone else’s eye needs the same tweezer as the log in yours.

Yeah okay, I get it, the message is starting to get lost in translation. But my point is clear, or at least I hope it is. Every now and then you realise the wisdom you needed for your own problems was within you all along. Or at least God’s been hitting it over your head for the past 7 months.

I get it. Listening to yourself or you know, the benevolent deity is admittedly less obvious than it seems.

But sometimes, the only thing stopping you from solving your own problem is whether you’re willing to take your own advice. So if you’ve ever found yourself in that situation, don’t stop yourself from sharing that piece of advice.

Just don’t forget to share it with yourself too. You might just need it even more.

Thanks for reading 😉

P.s. this article is a little shorter because I wanted to hear your opinions about posts of this length. Love them? Hate them? Feel like building a shrine for them? Let me know!

Bye for real now though 😉

Originally published at on September 5, 2020.

